How to Avoid a Will Contest in Six Steps
Good communication together with strategies like no-contest clauses and competency verification can help you avoid a will contest.
Our Estate Planning Blog
Good communication together with strategies like no-contest clauses and competency verification can help you avoid a will contest.
The death of a loved one results in an emotional grief that, when combined with large sums of money on the line, can cause the beneficiaries of the will or trust or the heirs of the deceased to challenge the validity, interpretation, or administration of the will or trust.
Unfortunately, death doesn’t just happen to other people. We should all get our affairs in order, so that our loved ones can focus on grieving and moving on once we pass.
What happens if you don’t have any family to be personal representative? Other than a family member, who can be personal representative?
I feel I was taken advantage of to the tune of $3,500, when I set up a trust.
My 91-year-old mother-in-law died on Dec. 13, 2020. There was no will, so we are currently working our way through the probate process. Her income was less than $20,000 a year from Social Security and we can’t find any tax returns she filed. Was she required to file?
Medicare is designed to help pay for healthcare costs for seniors once they turn 65. While it covers a number of healthcare expenses, it doesn’t apply to costs associated with long-term care in a nursing home.
As states address budget woes due to the pandemic, one place they may turn to for revenue as they have in past economic crises is death taxes.
Can an owner of a timeshare will the timeshare back to the timeshare corporation and does the corporation have to accept it?
Even those with thorough estate plans might have neglected to discuss details with potential heirs.